PhysicianXpress was founded by a pharmaceutical industry veteran who grew weary of his wife, a pediatrician with her own private practice, spending five hours every Sunday catching up on paperwork and losing thousands of dollars a month to inefficient billing and coding practices. Knowing there had to be a better way, he set out with a team of software developers and engineers using his wife’s practice to develop and validate a system that improved the operation of practices.
The result of that effort was a practice management and billing system that cut paperwork time, increased office efficiency, and increased collection rates to over 99% of the contract rate.
Once the system was perfected, it was rolled out to help other pediatric practices, and later adapted for buy and bill medical devices.
Because PhysicianXpress is so specialized, we are the leading experts in our field. We continuously train our team to maintain the highest levels of quality and expertise, and we can provide for your business what no other E.H.R. and medical billing company can: a high collection rate, optimal billing rules, and a monthly report that provides a snapshot of performance.