Developer Name: Physician Xpress, Inc.
Certified EHR Name: PediatricXpress
Certified EHR Version: 20
CHPL Product Number:
ONC-ACB Certification ID:
Certification Date: November 3, 2022 and updated April 22, 2024
Practice Setting: Ambulatory
Criteria Certified on: a1: Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) – Medications, a2: CPOE – Laboratory, a3: CPOE – Diagnostic Imaging, a4: Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE, a5: Demographics, a12: Family Health History, a14: Implantable Device List, b1: Transitions of Care, b2: Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation, b10: Electronic health information export, c1: Clinical Quality Measures – Record and Export, c3: Clinical Quality Measures – Report, d1: Authentication, Access Control, Authorization, d2: Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance, d3: Audit Report(s), d4: Amendments, d5: Automatic Access Time-out, d6: Emergency Access, d7: End-User Device Encryption, d8: Integrity, d9: Trusted Connection, d12: Encrypt Authentication Credentials, d13: Multi-Factor Authentication, e3: Patient Health Information Capture, g3: Safety Enhanced Design, g4: Quality Management System, g5: Accessibility-Centered Design, g6: Consolidated CDA Creation, g7: Application Access – Patient Selection, g9: Application Access – All Data Request
*Note: The ONC removed the following Certification requirements from the ONC Certification program for all Certified HealthIT as of June 30, 2020: a6, a7, a8, a11 and as of 2023 removed: b6
Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) Certified: Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization (CMS147V9), Children who have dental decay or cavities (CMS75V8), Child and Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder: suicide risk assessment (CMS177V8), ADHD – Follow-up Care for Children Prescribed Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication (CMS136V9), Appropriate Treatment for Children with Upper Respiratory Infection(CMS154V8), Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents (CMS155V8), Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis (CMS146V8), Childhood Immunization Status (CMS117V8)
Additional SW Required: EMR Direct Interoperability Engine
Ability to encrypt login credentials: PediatricXpress encrypts login credentials
View the PediatricXpress Version 20 EHR certificate, provided by SLI Compliance Certificate – PhysicianXpress – PediatricsXpress
View the PediatricXpress EHR Certification on the Department of Health & Human Service’s list of certified EHRs. CHPL Search (
Price Transparency Statement:
PediatricXpress EHR is offered to pediatric practices as part of a comprehensive monthly fee that includes the PediatricXpress EHR, Practice Management and Medical Billing (both insurance and patient billing). The fee includes all features and modules of the software, including the patient portal, Electronic Prescriptions, EPCS, Vaccine Inventory Management system and associated support services. Additionally, the monthly fee includes maintaining approved integrated lab connections with LabCorp and Quest as well as with Immunization exchange. Clients must sign a contract to engage the service and the standard contract term is one year. An early termination fee applies.
While most Data integration work is included as part of the setup, there might be an additional one time setup fees required in some instances for non-standard data migration and custom interface connections. A one time and/or recurring subscription fee may be required during the term of the customer’s contract for custom development for the Practice or interfaces not included with the standard package purchased. These additional interfaces and or custom development may be added to the contract depending upon individual customer needs, such as: additional lab or Health exchange interfaces, Direct Messaging setup and additional Direct Messaging addresses, customized reports, and other integrated business partner functionality.
PediatricXpress is a cloud-based E.H.R. that requires the practice to maintain a high speed internet connection. While the software will operate properly, clients could experience slow response times if the office lacks or is unable to maintain a high speed or business data connection.
PediatricXpress API:
PediatricXpress API Documentation
PediatricXpress Two-Factor Authentication:
PediatricXpress Electronic Health Information Export: