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A specialty online vaccine management system
Manage your vaccines with ease
VaccineXpress is a specialty online vaccine management system designed to keep track of your vaccine inventory and patient vaccine records.
Improve your bottom line from ordinary to extraordinary.
Do not lose money on the high cost vaccines. Not having an Inventory of all your Vaccines and not knowing what vaccines you will need in the near future can cost you a lot in wasted revenue.
Take control of your vaccines in your fridge. Always stay in the know of your Inventory.
Proven Results
- 100% CDC-approved manufacturer list
- 100% Barcode scanning success
- 100% Reports
Enhance your vaccine management while
decreasing overall administration burden.
decreasing overall administration burden.
A Quick Glance
- See “real time” the number of doses per vaccine for commercial and VFC in your refrigerator and freezer.
- Forecast usage of each type of vaccine (MMR, Flu, HPV, Zoster) based on actual usage.
- Ability to quickly record vaccine shipments either via bar code scanner or selection of vaccine and manual entry of Lot # and expiration date.
- Ability to manually reconcile real inventory with virtual inventory to maintain accuracy of counts.
- Leverage the system based on your needs – vaccine inventory only or complete patient vaccine management.
- Maintain patient vaccine records – view vaccines given for each vaccine per patient.
- Integrated vaccination reports – identify patients behind on vaccines based on vaccination schedule.
Easy as 1, 2, 3...
1. Register an account
2. Create vaccine shipment
3. Administer vaccines
Get in Touch

We are a cloud based, Electronics Health Records and Revenue Management Company. Call or contact us today to discuss how we can increase your bottom line.