Checklists for Optimal Revenue Cycle Management

Pediatric Practice revenue cycle management results can be attributed to multiple stakeholders in the revenue cycle.   While the Physician Xpress Account Managers and medical billing team have a significant role on managing claims, follow-up and reporting, the actions of the front desk team and the pediatric providers have an impact on the revenue cycle…

Evaluating Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs) for Pediatric Practices

Clinically Integrated Networks or the acronym, CINs, are quality focused organizations that negotiate with payers to provide potential additional payments to providers based on established criteria. This criteria is usually a shared savings based criteria or a HEDIS-based quality improvement metric. A CIN can be one Health System or a Health System and independent practices…

Update on the Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Practices

It has been over sixteen months since the COVID-19 pandemic started in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered how pediatric practices engage with patients. While the changes were significant, pediatric practice leaders and owners learned how to optimize the situation. The wearing of masks and social distancing in the winter of 2020-2021 helped…


Summer Time: Practices are Scheduling Well Visits Before Back to School

There are many learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic related to operating a pediatric practice.  One key learning is that the COVID pandemic further confirmed that the core visit role of a pediatric office is the well visit and pediatric vaccinations. Pediatric practice leaders and owners should become even more focused on scheduling well visits for…

COVID – 19 Impact on Pediatric Practices after One Year of the Pandemic

It has been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic started in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered how pediatric practices engage with patients. While the changes were significant, pediatric practice leaders and owners learned how to optimize the situation. The wearing of masks and social distancing in the winter of 2020-2021 helped…

How Pediatric Practice Dashboards can enhance the financial and clinical performance of your Practice

A well-designed pediatric practice dashboard can help a Pediatric practice owner and/or administrator enhance the clinical and financial performance of their Pediatric practice.     Well defined financial and clinical dashboards present both data and information to determine an overall financial score and clinical score.   The data and indicators within a Pediatric practice dashboard…

Update on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Total Visits to Pediatric Practices

The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to impact operations of a pediatric office.  From the business perspective of total visits to the office, the average practice continues to see less well and sick patients when compared to the pre-COVID-19 Pandemic.   While the United States economy moves forward since the original lock-down, the COVID-19 disease has spread…