The Effects of COVID-19 on Pediatric Practices

Visits in pediatric practices were as expected through the week ending Saturday, March 14th, 2020.  Starting Monday, March 16th, the impact of businesses and school closures as well as the awareness of COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the engagement of patients with pediatric practices.  The COVID-19 Pandemic is an event that pediatric practices…


Reduce Administrative Work and Increase Revenue: Hire a Top-Performing Pediatric Billing Company

Ken Dominy Independent pediatricians that are practice owners have many roles.  While a practice owner might have the skills to do all the roles in their practice, many of the roles are lower revenue roles, some that distract the practice owner from growing the practice.  A Key Performance Indicator for pediatric groups is the number…


Changes in the Pediatric Practice Reimbursement Models

Ken Dominy There are many components to operating an independent Pediatric Medical Practice.    The core function of Pediatric practices is managing patients effectively for their well being.  Decades ago, the Healthcare market was a simpler design – a Medical practice developed a fee schedule and charged patients based on the fee schedule for procedures…
