Handling Pediatric Medical Billing Efficiently and Effectively

Medical billing for pediatricians is a different market than that of other physician specialties, as a pediatrician’s patients have specialized needs as well as specific treatment programs related to Primary Pediatrics. There a specific billing codes for various procedures that may result in lesser payments by an insurance company if handled incorrectly. Using the appropriate…

How to Choose the Right Pediatric EHR for your Facility

Today’s Pediatric Practice operates more efficiently and effectively with a Modern Pediatric E.H.R. system designed to optimize the operation and profitability of Pediatric Practices. Pediatric have their own set of administrative challenges which is different from any other specialties. Choosing the right type of Electronic Health Record (EHR) system customized to the specific requirements of…

5 Ways to Curb Administrative Burden in Healthcare Practices

Some of the most crucial grievances of physician practices include slow reimbursement, complex regulations, billing, bulk paperwork, and other administrative hassles. Although most of the healthcare facilities have switched to cloud technology to streamline their daily operations, some are still buckling down to curb their administrative burden. Here are some of the most effective ways…

How to Overcome Common Problems Faced in Medical Revenue Cycle Management

From standardizing medical administrative tasks to managing the insurance claims, revenue cycle management has revolutionized the medical billing system. It has not only enhanced patient care but also boosted cash flow of healthcare facilities across the US. However, many physicians and medical staff still find it challenging to cope with the enterprise level technological system…