Handling Pediatric Medical Billing Efficiently and Effectively

Medical billing for pediatricians is a different market than that of other physician specialties, as a pediatrician’s patients have specialized needs as well as specific treatment programs related to Primary Pediatrics. There a specific billing codes for various procedures that may result in lesser payments by an insurance company if handled incorrectly. Using the appropriate…


How to Streamline Pediatric Scheduling and Practice Management

Out of an array of pediatric practices, scheduling management can be considered a challenging task for both the staff and physicians. It is now a known fact that effective scheduling for patients links to better revenue generation for a Pediatric Practice. Many pediatric practices are missing opportunities to provide optimal patient treatment and the associated…


8 Must Have Features of Pediatric SpecialtyMedical Billing

Insurance companies have more complex systems and insurance editing processes today. For instance, we have seen some insurance companies split individual codes within a visit into two claims for a provider (two codes were in-network rules while one code was out-of-network rules). These complexities in the edit and rule process by insurance companies need the…
